5 Ways Builders and Remodelers Can Re-Use Existing Content

reuse content repackageThe holiday season is one of the most important times of the year for marketing.  However, it is also one of the busiest times of the year.  Even if your building jobs have slowed down until the spring, your company members will most likely be busy with their holiday plans.  Where do you get your new web site content?  One of the easiest and smartest solutions is to repackage your existing web content.  Take something that you have already produced and change it.  This can include changing the format, putting a different spin on it, adding new content, or updating content.  Here are just a few examples.

1.  Videos Become Blog Posts
Consider the videos that you have on your web site.  Do you have a demo for a new aspect of your business or an overview about what makes your company unique in the world of building?  Take the content from one of these videos and turn it into a blog post.  Adding text content to the video information will increase the search engine ranking for the topic at hand.

2.  Videos Become Ebooks
While some people would prefer to watch videos, others would prefer to have the content in an ebook.  Even though a video may be more visually appealing, a ebook can be downloaded and used anywhere at any time.  Consider include screenshots of the video and a link to it in the ebook.  When people are using the ebook on the computer, it can become a multimedia experience.

3.  Ebooks Become Webinars
If you have an ebook that is already popular, consider making a webinar for it.  Consider new information to bring to the webinar to maximize its potential for your customers.  For example, if you are selling people on the many advantages of a new line of windows, include demonstration video clips for them of the advantages so that they have an added visual component.

4.  Blog Posts Become Games
Turning a popular blog post into a game can greatly increase customer participation.   Before you know it, your customers will be sharing the link to all of their friends on Facebook or Twitter.  Consider creating a Twitter hashtag for your game to increase participation.

5.  Use Comments for Content Inspiration
Some of the best ideas for web site content can come from the customers themselves.  Consider customer comments on blog posts, videos, and more to create new content.

spencer powell inbound marketing certified professional

Blog Post Written by Spencer Powell

Spencer is the Inbound Marketing Director at TMR Direct. Spencer specializes in helping clients create and execute effective inbound marketing campaigns.