6 Builder Tips for Improving Blog Conversion

builder tips improve blog conversationTraffic and leads are important for all builder blogs, but it is also important to understand how conversion rate effects these factors.  When you improve your conversion rate, you are more likely to increase your lead generation, even when you do not have more traffic.

If you are noticing a decline in your conversion rate or are simply interested in boosting your conversion rate, check out these six tips for improving blog conversion.

1.  Align Your Content with Relevant, Targeted CTAs
One of the most important aspects of lead generation is understanding calls-to-action (CTAs).  It is essential to place one on every blog post.  If you do not currently use CTAs in your blog posts, it’s never too late to start.  If you already use them, consider how you can make them more relevant.  Think about the specific resources that your building company customers need.  This may mean creating some entirely new CTAs.

2.  Use New CTAs to Optimize Your Evergreen Blog Content

High traffic articles will be a continual source of lead generation for your company if they continue to be updated.  Examine your analytics to find articles that have high search rankings and are still generating a significant amount of traffic.  Include newer offers with high conversion to boost the rates of these evergreen articles.

3.  Give Your Banners and Highlighted Offers a Makeover
People don’t want to see the same banners and offers every time that they visit your web site and will lose interest if you don’t change them once in a while.  Simply updating one of these aspects of your site can boost your conversion rates.  Your analytics information is your best friend with this process.

4.  Experiment with Different CTA Buttons
Don’t be afraid to try different CTA buttons to determine which ones work the best.  Consider simple vs. complex buttons.  Think about the tone and layout of your messages.  Examine the statistical significance of each test that you run.

5.  Include Links to Offers Throughout Your Blog Posts

In addition to button CTAs, include text within blog articles.  For example, if your company has an eBook entitled “Top Kitchen Remodeling Projects,” include a link for it in your article about house renovations to consider before trying to sell.

6.  Include an Opt-In E-Mail Form

Some of the simplest methods for increasing blog conversionare the most effective.  Including an opt-in e-mail form on your web site is no exception.

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Blog Post Written by Spencer Powell

Spencer is the Inbound Marketing Director at TMR Direct. Spencer specializes in helping clients create and execute effective inbound marketing campaigns.