Builder Internet Marketing: Develop a Video Strategy

builder video strategyA video is a strong toolto engage your visitor with your site, share your passion for building and demonstrate your enthusiasm for your homes or projects. It has become one of the best ways to get your story to your potential customers and a simple format to reach larger audiences, communicate your message and get found. You do not have to spend thousands on a video while an inexpensive campaign can get you the same result. With planning you can add video to your marketing tool belt without exceeding your budget.

You will have to become a builder/producer while putting yourself in your customer’s shoes to clearly define the goals of the video and determine the type of video you want to produce.

In order to engage your audience and remain consistent, here are four tips on how video can become part of the strategy to success.

  1. Create a series of videos under a general topic. For instance, make a series of before and after videos of your projects. You could also produce a few videos around one project or one specific room, like various kitchens you have remodeled.

  2. Devise a schedule to publish videos regularly and with consistency. You may also schedule videos around special occasions or holidays.

  3. Customize Youtube for you business and create a loyal audience that goes to you to learn more about your expertise.

  4. Establish yourself as a innovation leader in the building industry.

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Blog Post Written by Taylor Vowell

Taylor Vowell is a certified inbound marketing specialist with a background in graphic design and website development.