Inbound Marketing for Builders and Remodelers: Illusion or Reality?

inbound marketing for builders and remodelers illusion or realityOver the past few years there has been an increasing amount of talk about Inbound Marketing (which includes social media and other online marketing tools) as a means to reach potential customers. Much of that has been driven by the fact that traditional or conventional marketing methods (TV, radio, print advertising, direct mail, etc) have been increasingly ineffective.

But is Inbound Marketing really effective for builders and remodelers? Or is this just another “smoke and mirror” attempt to get builders to part with precious resources?

First of all, let’s be clear that there is no “magic solution” that is going to deliver clients to your door overnight with cash in their hands. Inbound marketing isn’t magic, but it can be effective in many industries—including the building and remodeling industry—if it’s done right.

What makes us say that? We’ve seen clients use inbound marketing to make their websites generate leads and sales. One remodeler increased the organic traffic (natural searches as opposed to pay-per-click) on his website by 842 percent in six months. He also generated 192 qualified leads in that time. And he added an additional $90,000 in revenue.

Did it happen with a wave of the magic Internet wand? No. Did it happen overnight? No, it took six months of work. This remodeler had to re-think his approach to marketing his business. He had to change the way he presented his business. He had to think about what his message really was. And he had to start thinking like a potential customer.

Was it worth the effort? The numbers don’t lie. But don’t fall for the illusion that it’s quick and easy. It takes some time. And it takes some work. But then, success usually does.

If you’d like to read the case study about how this remodeler saw impressive results by re-thinking his approach to marketing his business, download the free case study here and it will magically appear in your email inbox!