Business Blogging Ideas: Do You Have to Do Everything Yourself?

blogging ideasWhether you’re a for-profit business or a non-profit organization, you want your marketing efforts to drive traffic to your website. After all, that’s where your potential clients and constituents are looking for you. You may already be convinced that blogging is a good way to consistently add content to your website—content that will show up when people search for whatever it is that you do.

And yet, many of the businesses and organizations we talk to on a regular basis feel a little overwhelmed when it comes to actually creating that content. Their plates are full running the business or the organization. They wonder how they are supposed to come up with ideas and content that will help their clientele. And even if they don’t verbalize it, they’re thinking: “Do I have to do everything myself?”

Sound familiar?

The good news is that you don’t have to do everything yourself. There are other sources of good information out there that you can tap into. You don’t have to create everything from scratch. But you do want to be the number one source your clients go to for the information. How do you do that?

As an expert (and you are an expert in your field, right?) you probably know better than the general public where to find helpful information. There are industry associations out there that have lots of good information. You don’t have to be the one who created it. You can point people to it (after you’ve checked it out yourself). You can either summayou tube logorize the information—or you can direct your readers straight to the source with a link in your blog.

Don’t limit yourself to text, either. If you know of a good video on YouTube that will help your constituents, embed that video into your blog using YouTube’s video embed code—and write a brief summary or introduction to it. By embedding it, you’ll keep your readers on your site (rather than wandering around on YouTube).

Is it your content? No. But who helped your reader find it? You did! You don’t have to be the creator of all things helpful. But you want your readers to think of you first when they’re looking for information.