Expanding Your Marketing Reach by Outsourcing Inbound Marketing

expanding your marketing reach by outsourcing inbound marketingIf your business has begun including social media in your marketing mix you know that it can be a challenge. You’ve probably seen the statistics about the impact that social media can have on your business. And there’s a good chance that you don’t need more convincing about how important that side of your marketing efforts is. The big question is, “How do you get it done?”

If you can identify with that scenario you’re not alone! In April, HubSpot reported some interesting information about companies outsourcing of social media activities.  In 2010, 14 percent of marketers outsourced their social media marketing activities. By 2011, that figure had doubled to 28 percent. And this year the percentage is at 32 percent.

Not everyone, however, is outsourcing everything. Businesses are picking certain aspects of social media to outsource, with the top three areas being design and development, followed by analytics, and then content creation. Some businesses, of course, are outsourcing everything. What it really comes down to is that businesses are focusing on their core strengths (running their business) and are letting other professionals take over certain aspects where they lack the skill or capacity to execute at the level they want.

Businesses know that social media outreach enables them to expand their reach effectively and efficiently on the Web—if it’s done right. But is outsourcing your social media and other inbound marketing services right for your company?

We’d like to invite you to download our free guide, How to Outsource Inbound Marketing Services to Other Agencies to help you decide if this makes sense for your company. You can explore topics such as why and when outsourcing makes sense, what goals to set, how to select the right partner, and how to set up a relationship that works for both of you.

If the idea of expanding your marketing reach—without adding head count and a lot of additional expense appeals to you, you’ll want to take a closer look.

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Blog Post Written by Spencer Powell

Spencer is the Inbound Marketing Director at TMR Direct. Spencer specializes in helping clients create and execute effective inbound marketing campaigns.