Generate Builder Leads Over the Weekend

generate builder leadsMany builder blog managers put their blogs to sleep over the weekend.  The majority of the people who read blogs regularly are out enjoying time with their friends and families on the weekends and aren’t online reading blogs.  As more people are using on-the-go mobile devices (iPhones, iPads, etc.), this trend is starting to change and it can be worth posting blogs on the weekend.  Some blog managers plan special weekend post themes so that people have specific posts to look forward to during the weekends.

However, if you decide to put your blog to sleep for the weekend, you can leverage the power of a simple CTA to generate weekend leads even when there is no new blog content.

Leveraging the Power of a Simple CTA
One of the best ways to keep your leads coming in all weekend is to include one of your most effective calls-to-action in your final weekday blog post.  If you aren’t already using calls-to-action in your blog posts on a regular basis or aren’t using them at all, it’s never too late to start.  Begin by considering where you can place sidebars and how you can form CTAs for the end of your blog posts and go from there.

Here are three simple steps to leverage the CTAs for your builder blog for maximum weekend lead generation.

1.  Analytics: Take the Time to Review Them
Review the data on the offers that you’ve created.  This may include builder kits, ebooks, and webinars.  Look at how each offer has converted and how many leads it generated.  Compare these different offers and organize them into a list from best-performing to worst-performing.

2.  Your Best Offers: What Are They?
Hopefully step #1 helped you figure out what your best performing offers are.  This includes knowing which offers performed the best and generated the highest numbers of leads for your builder business.

3.  Now that You Know What Your Best Offer Is, Create Content For It
Create the content for your last weekday blog post around your best building call-to-action.  For example, if one of your top offers is for an ebook about effective digital builder marketing strategies, don’t write an article about your new roofing services.  Instead, write an article related to marketing strategies.

Many successful blogs use this exact strategy for generating leads on the weekend.  The key is to continually keep track of how your offers are performing and then use this data to optimize your lead generation.

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Blog Post Written by Taylor Vowell

Taylor Vowell is a certified inbound marketing specialist with a background in graphic design and website development.