How Can a Smaller Builder or Remodeler Compete with the Big Boys?

As a local builder or remodeler, you may be asking yourself how you can compete with some of smaller builder david and galioththe larger regional or national builders.  They have more resources for marketing, sales and have more leverage.  So, how can you turn the tide?

The quick answer: Your website.

The long answer:  The internet has really given small companies leverage over the larger companies.  On the web it doesn’t matter whether or not you have a large office building or NO office building.  It doesn’t matter if you have 100 employees or NO employees.  It doesn’t matter if you do $50M in revenue or $50,000.   All that matters is the power of your website.

Why is that do you ask?  Almost everyone searches online for products and services.  Naturally, if people are looking for a local remodeler, they are going to hit Google and type something like “Denver Remodeler” or “Denver Remodeling Company”.  If you’re not on the first page (or even the first few listings), you’re toast.  So what does this mean for you?  You have to have a working, living, breathing website. 

A strong website will have a blog, lots of website pages and strong offers (or calls-to-action).  In order to move up in the search engines, you have to have lots of content and links coming in to your website.  There are some strategies for getting links, but that’s not for this post.  Basically, what I’m trying to say is that if you can write enough targeted content (content geared towards your ideal customer) and optimize it for search engines—you can compete with anyone online. 

So, what next? Stop thinking about how little you have to spend on marketing and start writing content and building out your website.  This is not an overnight solution, but it is a viable and predictable solution—it just takes time.

What are your thoughts?  Does this make sense to you?

spencer powell inbound marketing certified professional

Blog Post Written by Spencer Powell

Spencer is the Inbound Marketing Director at TMR Direct. Spencer specializes in helping clients create and execute effective inbound marketing campaigns.