How Home Builders Can Tailor Lead Nurturing Content for Different Audiences

lack of content chairsSuccessful lead nurturing can generate 50% more sales at a 33% lower cost.  So why aren’t all home builders doing this?  One of the most common reasons is a lack of content.  It is also important to consider the needs of your clients for a variety of marketing personas.  Don’t let this additional content scare you.  Once you have standard marketing offers set up, you can tweak them slightly for different audiences.  Here are a few tips for this process.

Your Personas: Time to Identify Them
Hopefully you already have some idea what the personas are of your clients.  If not, consider their locations, jobs, values, and goals, and what they look for from your business.  Start to outline the different identified personas.  The number of personas can vary from 1 or 2 to over 10.  If you have a large number, consider how you can create sub-groups to make your content variations easier.  Start with these larger groups and then tailor more to individual personas later.

Consider the Best Marketing Offer for Each Sales Cycle Stage
Your lead nurturing campaigns will be even more effective if they are tailored to the individual sales cycle stages.  Most sales cycles have three stages: awareness, evaluation, and purchase.

Here are a few examples of content to provide for each stage.  Do not flip out about needing to provide all of these components for your builder clients.  Start with what you have and build from there.

  • Awareness: Ebook, webinar, checklist, tip sheet.
  • Evaluation: Sample, data sheet, FAQ, demo video.
  • Purchase: Live demo, consultation, estimate.

Each Persona Must Have Customized Content

  • Consider individual problems, needs, and interests: Are there specific builder client problems that your general campaigns don’t target?  Get at them now.
  • Adjust depth, formatting, and length accordingly: For example, a new client may want a bullet list while an experienced client will want an in depth summary.
  • Use modified tone and language: Some clients may be looking for professional and formal language while others will feel at ease with relaxed and informal language.
  • Use examples that are specific to your industry: Give building industry examples whenever possible so that clients will get a clear picture of the products and services that you provide.

Remember your lead nurturing campaigns?  It’s time to modify them!
Now that your content is tweaked, it’s time to use your lead intelligence and marketing analytics to start putting it to use in your lead nurturing campaigns.

spencer powell inbound marketing certified professional

Blog Post Written by Spencer Powell

Spencer is the Inbound Marketing Director at TMR Direct. Spencer specializes in helping clients create and execute effective inbound marketing campaigns.