How to Write the Worst Builder Blog Post Ever

how to write worst blog post everInstead of focusing on all of the things that you can do to have the best builder blog post ever, this article is all about the worst things that you can do when writing blog posts.  If you aren’t worried about establishing yourself as an expert in the field, creating SEO, and building a solid builder client base, these are the tips that you need.

1. Write a headline that puts you to sleep. But seriously...your headline should entice your builder audience to read more, capture the audience’s attention, and provide a short explanation of what they will be learning in the article.

2. Discuss your products and services exclusively.  Don’t forget to mention how wonderful they are.  All the time.  But seriously…your builder clients already know how great your business is and are here to learn more about the industry.

3. Forget about your target audience and write for someone else.  But seriously…hopefully you already know who your target audience is and have idea for blog content that they’ll find valuable and interesting.

4. Make your content very generic.  But seriously…all of your content should leave people talking.  If it doesn’t, it’s time to choose some new topics and/or give your writing style a jump start.

5. Forget about creating paragraphs.  But seriously…there’s nothing that will send building clients running faster than a blog post that’s one huge paragraph.  Make sure that you break up your text with bullet points, headers, and images.

6. You can forget about creating in-text links, too.  But seriously…you’re shooting yourself in the foot if you don’t link to your own relevant content, such as builder ebooks and webinars.  Don’t forget about linking to other blog content, too.

7. While you’re at it, don’t credit your sources.  But seriously…every source that you use deserves credit, even a very simple source mention or link.  Don’t forget about attributing photos.

8. Don’t use call-to-actions (CTA).
  But seriously…CTAs are one of the most helpful lead generation tools out there.  Every blog post should include a relevant CTA.

9. Forget about the spell check function on your computer.  But seriously…your building business will lose credibility if your blog posts aren’t professional.  Always take the time to proofread blog posts for spelling and grammar mistakes.

10. Don’t allow any comments or social media links.  But seriously…This  will completely kill your article’s sharing potential as well as all commentary and engagement potential.  Always keep these features enabled.

jimmy donnellon – inbound marketing professional

Blog Post Written by Jimmy Donnellon

Jimmy is an inbound marketing professional with a background in public relations and marketing. Jimmy helps his clients found on the web, convert visitors into leads and helps them track their results.