Inbound Marketing Basics: What Companies Need To Begin Sending Email Marketing Blasts

email marketingAn email blast is an email that is sent to a large amount of people or a mailing list. These people are known as subscribers. Email blasts are usually sent out to hundreds or even thousands of subscribers at the same time. Therefore, these blasts are controlled by web applications or marketing software.

When you’ve decided to send out an email blast, it’s important to make sure that your content is relevant and engaging to your subscribers. You want them to read something that immediately catches their attention, causing them to click on the provided links, which will take them to your website. You must also be certain to follow all rules and guidelines pertaining to spam.

Develop a subject title that grabs the attention of your subscribers

Always be certain that the subject title pertains directly to the content contained within the article itself. You do not want your subscribers to feel like you are trying to trick them. This could be the case if your title and content do not match.

Make your email blast message short and direct

Your subscribers are more likely to be interested in your message if it’s not long and boring. Generally, the shorter and more direct it is, the more replies you will receive.

Tell your subscribers how your message will benefit them

If your website has some products that are on sale, suggest that your subscribers go to your website to buy things for themselves or people they know at low prices. Explain to your subscribers how they can best take advantage of the information contained within your email blast.

After reading your email, your subscriber should have a clear understanding of how to go about following up or using the information you have presented to them. Give the subscriber instructions on how they can buy your product or service. This should be a link that will take the person to your checkout page, or simply provide your contact information.

Make your email blast have a sense of urgency

It’s important that your subscribers feel like they must act immediately to take advantage of the offers you have made in your email blast. Give them the impression that if they don’t act now, they could miss out completely. Give your subscribers a promotion or coupon code that is time sensitive. This will encourage them to move onto your website and make a purchase.

Only send email blasts to your target audience

Doing this will result in a higher amount of sales activity. This is because you are sending your blasts to people who choose to subscribe to your content.

Provide a way for people to unsubscribe

This practice may not seem like it will benefit your business, but most countries have laws that require people to have the ability to stop your emails from coming. Make it simple for the person to unsubscribe by including an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the page.

Format your emails properly

Your email blasts should be formatted in such a way that it makes it difficult for them to be flagged as spam.

There are specific formats and keywords that will activate spam alerts in email clients. They may also cause people to mark them as spam. This will prevent your future email blasts from being successfully delivered to those people in the future. To prevent this, refrain from ending your sentences with more than one exclamation point, placing images only within the body of the message, filling the body of the message with many links and writing all in caps.

Use appropriate email marketing software

Find email marketing applications or software to send your email blasts. This type of software will enable you to easily manage the database you have assembled of email subscribers. It provides you with a platform to compose your email blasts.

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