Spencer And Taylor’s Favorite Facebook Likes

A good Facebook page is instrumental in promoting a successful brand. It gives you the opportunity to connect with your audience and keep them informed about your company, products, etc. But it’s more than that. The best pages are the ones that use their posts to get users actively interested and even excited about what they have to say. So who’s doing that? We asked our own marketing team what some of their favorite Facebook pages were. Choosing just a few wasn’t easy, but here’s what we (me and Taylor Vowell, our web designer) dubbed our social media Friday Favorites.

Spencer Powell:

Spence and Taylors Favorite Facebook Likes 1

Under Armour – They sell sports and athletic gear, and post a lot of inspirational imagery, videos and other cool stuff. Using the slogan “I Will,” they challenge their fans to succeed, and to work to achieve their full potential. I like sports and working out, so most of their stuff appeals to me.

Dr. Pepper and Cheez-It – For both of these, I love their products, but I like their posts because they are fun, funny and simple—and VERY creative. Dr. Pepper creates funny pictures and memes, and even comics about their product, which are always good for a smile. It’s a soda… but they make it interesting. Cheez-It is the same way. Photos of Cheez-Its in clever and unusual situations, often with funny captions, help make its Facebook page unique and worthwhile.

Taylor Vowell:

Spence and Taylors Favorite Facebook Likes 2

George Takei – Even if you haven’t liked the former Star Trek actor’s page on Facebook yourself, chances are you’ve seen some of his posts. He has nearly 4 million likes, so at least a couple of your friends probably like him, and keep sharing his best stuff. He posts funny messages and pictures, and has great fan involvement. You can tell he is posting the statuses himself, and you can basically read them in his voice every single time (especially when he throws in his signature, “Oh myyy!”). Like me, he’s a big fan of terrible puns, and generally adds a pun of his own to the images he posts from around the web (many of them submitted to him by fans). But in between the puns, he sprinkles in personal messages and beliefs, and they get a great response.

Adobe Marketing Cloud – Just what it sounds like, Adobe Marketing Cloud is all about digital marketing or “online business optimization,” as they call it. I absolutely love the visuals they put out with all their statuses. From charts and graphs that illustrate the point they’re trying to make, to simple pictures that relate to the topic, they not only give great marketing advice, but make it accessible to their fans.