3 Ways Joining Google+ Benefits Inbound Marketing

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  In many respects, Google+ was a latecomer to the social media scene. It followed on the heels of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn after they were already well established, and for many months industry commentators thought it was dead in the water. Not so, as we’re starting to see more and more evidence that it’s quietly positioning itself to be much bigger than was originally expected. For any business practicing inbound marketing, joining Google+ is becoming almost a biological imperative. Why do we say that? Because here are four ways it will help your strategy get off the ground more than anything else possibly can. #1: Establish Authorship Read More

3 Unmatchable New Year’s Resolutions To Boost Your 2014 Inbound Marketing Strategy

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  We’re all familiar with the concept of New Year resolutions—you know, those great ideas you have in the heat of the moment as you ring in midnight with Auld Lang Syne? Getting fit, making more money, finding a new job, world peace and all that. Most resolutions last about as long as the first day of the new year. Why not make some resolutions you can keep, such as planning your inbound marketing strategy for 2014 ahead of the holidays? Here are the ones we recommend, if you want your business to be financially fit for the future. Read More