Four Major Direct Mail Blunders and How to Avoid Them

Image for Four Major Direct Mail Blunders and How to Avoid Them
  Direct mail remains a very powerful marketing tool and a key component to any integrated marketing strategy—if it’s done properly. There are, however, some principle fundamentals that govern your success. Unfortunately, it’s fairly easy to make mistakes with these fundamentals that can dramatically (and negatively) impact the outcome of your direct mail efforts. Let’s take a look at four common direct mail blunders that many businesses make and talk about how you can avoid them. Read More

Branding: Does It Still Matter For Marketing?

Image for Branding: Does It Still Matter For Marketing?
Branding and marketing have gone hand in glove for years. Some companies have spent countless hours and millions of dollars perfecting their brand. And yet, there are some marketing experts today, who… Read More