Brand Awareness and Direct Mail: Together

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  Many feel brand marketing and direct mail are separate concepts, but the two have the potential to go hand in hand. Brand awareness can be enhanced through direct mail and can greatly enhance a reader’s impression of the brand. There are a number of ways to do this that include using color the right way and keeping your message consistent. It is important to fully understand your target market before engaging in brand awareness and direct mail marketing. What is brand marketing? Brand marketing strives to unite a product and a brand as one in the same. Brand marketers work hard to turn their products into household names and to make them go-to products of choice. Brand marketing works to establish big names with big budgets, while direct mail works on a much smaller scale. The question is whether brand awareness is more important than direct mail marketing. Which is right for your business? Read More

How to Use Content Gamification to Increase Brand Awareness

Image for How to Use Content Gamification to Increase Brand Awareness
Content gamification is currently hot news. It started with Foursquare and those badges. Then LinkedIn began promoting full completion of profiles on the site through a “progress bar.” Every time users log in they can see what percentage they still… Read More