A Picture is Worth 1,000 Customers: Visuals for Direct Mail

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  There are many elements that affect the success of a direct mail pitch. Sure, the writing needs to be top-notch and snappy, but one thing often overlooked is a visual component. Why not get the proverbial thousand word value with a picture? Read More

Using Cartoons in Direct Mail Marketing

Image for Using Cartoons in Direct Mail Marketing
  If you’re looking to try something new with your direct mail marketing, try a touch of humor. Everyone welcomes the opportunity to laugh, especially after a long, stressful day. The last thing people are looking for when sifting through a mound of bills is a serious or exaggerated advertisement. Instead, try a humorous cartoon for something more lighthearted. Humor for Business There’s no doubt humor can be very good for business. Associating your company with good humor and a smile can help build relationships and create a positive image for your organization. Cartoons can be a useful tool to employ in marketing. They can offer potential customers a taste of what the company is like. If the message being sent is, "We are fun and don't take ourselves too seriously," most people will respond in a positive way. A cartoon can pique a potential customer’s interest and encourage them to want to learn more about you and the services or goods you offer. Read More