Friends Don’t Let Friends Do “Junk Mail”: 3 Ways to Keep the “Junk” Out of Your Mail

Image for Friends Don’t Let Friends Do “Junk Mail”: 3 Ways to Keep the “Junk” Out of Your Mail
  A lot of consumers (and this would include many of your potential customers) make no distinction between “direct mail” and “junk mail.” That’s unfortunate, because well-done direct mail can be an effective part of your overall integrated marketing strategy. It’s not surprising, because there has been a lot of junky direct mail produced over the years. Let’s look at three basic reasons why people who receive it consider it junk. And let’s also talk about what you can do to ensure that mailings your send aren’t perceived this way. Read More

Adapting Your SEO Strategy To Evolving Search Patterns

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  Regular changes in Google’s algorithms generally mean having to adapt our SEO strategy to fit the new criteria. But what many of us fail to take into consideration is how those changes in algorithms also affect how people are searching. And those changes should also be a factor in how we approach SEO. For one thing, search results are becoming more intuitive. Google recognizes your location and provides local search results automatically. It also provides results based on previous searches and browsing activity. Through Google, this information is all connected, and as technology advances, they’re able to use that information to help you get better, more relevant results based on your searches. Read More

3 Ways Joining Google+ Benefits Inbound Marketing

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  In many respects, Google+ was a latecomer to the social media scene. It followed on the heels of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn after they were already well established, and for many months industry commentators thought it was dead in the water. Not so, as we’re starting to see more and more evidence that it’s quietly positioning itself to be much bigger than was originally expected. For any business practicing inbound marketing, joining Google+ is becoming almost a biological imperative. Why do we say that? Because here are four ways it will help your strategy get off the ground more than anything else possibly can. #1: Establish Authorship Read More

How To Have a More Exciting Inbound Marketing Plan In 2014

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  A few years ago, inbound marketing was on the cutting edge of brand promotion. It was the new and innovative tactic. Now, with a new year right around the corner, inbound strategies stand poised to enter the mainstream and become more popular and widespread than ever before. Which, in many ways, is a good thing. It means that the old, ineffective marketing tactics are finally going the way of the dodo. The future is content. Read More

Getting Your Inbound Strategy Ready For the Holiday Season

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  Now that we’ve made it through Thanksgiving, you know what’s coming next … holiday shopping season. No matter what your business is, the holiday season is just about the most important and lucrative time of year for sales. Are… Read More

How Long Does It Take To Get Results with Inbound Marketing?

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  Because we talk about inbound marketing a lot, we also get a fair number of questions about it. Some businesses want to know about the process: What should they do and when should they do it. Some want to know what kind of measurable results they can expect.  Some want to know what it costs. Some businesses want to know what skill sets they need in order to do a good job at inbound marketing. But one of the most frequently asked questions is: How long does it take to get results? Read More

Tips For Marketing With Pinterest

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It’s easy to market on widely used, general purpose social networks like Facebook and Twitter—as long as you know what you’re doing, anyway. But smaller, niche… Read More

Is Email the Cockroach Of Social Media?

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You know what they say about cockroaches: After a nuclear war, they’ll be the only things to survive. These ugly bugs are just hard to kill. Some people in the marketing world… Read More