Direct Mail Strategy: When Less is More

Image for Direct Mail Strategy: When Less is More
  There’s a good chance you’ve heard the phrase, “Less is more.” It’s a saying that was adopted by architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in 1947 as one of the precepts for minimalist design and architecture. Over the years, the phrase has been associated with an uncluttered approach to many disciplines. The basic idea is that the presence of too many elements confuses the image or message or purpose. Read More

Direct Mail Marketing: RSVP

Image for Direct Mail Marketing: RSVP
  We’ve all received invitations in the mail. Sometimes the invitation is to an elegant event. Other times it’s an invitation to an open house or a neighborhood barbeque. But these invitations have something in common: They all have an RSVP. The person (or organization) sending out the invitation wants to know what your response will be. Are you coming or not? Read More