Direct Mail: What You Can’t See Can Hurt You

Image for Direct Mail: What You Can’t See Can Hurt You
  We’ve all heard, “what you don’t know can hurt you.” But sometimes it’s what you don’t see that can hurt you—or at least hurt the response to your direct mail efforts. It’s why good design is essential to direct mail success. Here’s an example of what I mean. Read More

Unique and Creative Direct Mail Ideas for Various Industries

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  A few industries are well known for their marketing efforts. Anyone who has received an annual checkup reminder from a dentist or a coupon from their local pizza place will tell you that. However, there are other ways to integrate direct mail into your marketing strategy, and we thought it would be fun to list some creative ideas by industry: Read More

Top 4 Benefits of Direct Mail (and How to Make Them Even Better!)

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  Much can be said for online marketing and social media; they certainly have their place in the marketing mix. However, there are a few benefits to direct mail that you can’t get anywhere else, and we’ve got them listed right here (along with tips to take them to the next level!). Read More

Technology and the 40/40/20 Rule of Direct Mail Marketing

Image for Technology and the 40/40/20 Rule of Direct Mail Marketing
  The 40/40/20 rule of direct marketing has been around for a long time. Ever since Ed Mayer came up with it in the 1960s, it’s been the gold standard for direct mail marketing around the world. It’s been a long time since the sixties though, and while the rule still stands, there are ways we should be using new technology to make the whole concept better. Read More

Sales Speak: Buzzwords to Avoid

Image for Sales Speak: Buzzwords to Avoid
  Many companies don’t want to admit this, but the truth is, most people don’t like sales people very much. Or rather, they don’t want to talk to them until they’re ready to. Read More

How Free Trials Can Help Direct Mail Marketing

Image for How Free Trials Can Help Direct Mail Marketing
  Free stuff has always been a major marketing tool, for direct mail, face to face sales and just about everything else you can think of. In many cases, that means a free sample, but sometimes, when you run a business that doesn’t offer physical products (or where products are large and expensive and can’t be scaled down) giving away a smaller size just isn’t an option. Enter the free trial. Here are a few ways you can use free trials and samples to get more out of your direct mail marketing. Read More

How to Use NFC Technology to Enhance Direct Mail

Image for How to Use NFC Technology to Enhance Direct Mail
  These days it's not enough for companies to use just one method to engage with their target market. Everyone is pressed for time, and the digital age makes the need for instant gratification even greater. That, in turn, makes the concept of integrated marketing even more attractive. Read More

5 Rules for Effective Direct Mail Design

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  Often, less is more, and just because you can include a design element doesn’t necessarily mean you should. What you leave out can be just as important as what you put in, so it’s always a good idea to keep things as simple as possible, however complex the total mailing package. Read More

5 Steps to Putting Together a Successful Direct Mail Campaign

Image for 5 Steps to Putting Together a Successful Direct Mail Campaign
  Sometimes, it’s good to get off the bandwagon. In recent years direct mail has fallen somewhat out of favor, with more companies choosing to go digital with their marketing. As the 2015 DMA Response Rate Report says, the fact that fewer companies are using direct mail is actually good news for those that do. It means far fewer pieces of mail clamoring for attention, and more chance of your mail shot getting read and acted upon. Read More