With Direct Mail First Impressions Matter

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  You’ve probably heard it said that, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Whether it’s a first date or a first job interview, the initial impression you make can have some pretty serious implications. So what kind of first impression does your direct mail make on people you’re trying to win as customers? Read More

What Does “Creative” Really Mean When It Comes to Direct Mail?

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  For years direct mail experts have talked about the three pillars that are responsible for direct mail success: Your list; your offer; and your creative. And while the conventional wisdom is that your list and your offer each account for 40 percent of your mailing’s success, the 20 percent that your creative efforts shoulder is too big to overlook. Read More

Give Me One Good Reason to Open This Envelope!

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  These days it’s not enough to “send out a mailing.” No business can afford to spend money on marketing that doesn’t pull its weight. If you’re going to use direct mail, you need to make sure that what you send out generates a response. Read More