4 Direct Mail Tips to Get a Higher ROI

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Not long ago, direct mail best practices involved huge mailing lists and a steady stream of repeated mailings. Some industries (credit card companies, for instance) still do that because the economies of scale they enjoy allow them to mail huge volumes and get a relatively small return on investment. But for most businesses that’s just not practical. Printing, postage, and mailing costs are too high to justify the low rates of return. Read More

3 Ways to Increase Direct Mail Results

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  You don’t have to live with unsatisfactory results from your direct mail efforts. Just being unhappy, however, isn’t going to change anything. You have to take some action. Read More

How Big Does My Direct Mailing Have to Be to Be Effective?

Image for How Big Does My Direct Mailing Have to Be to Be Effective?
  For many businesses the days of massive direct mailings are over. The increased costs of printing and postage for large direct mail efforts are simply prohibitive. But does the size of a mailing really matter—or can direct mail be effective on a smaller scale? Let’s be clear about something: When you reduce a mailing from 100,000 pieces down to 5,000 pieces you lose economies of scale. Your per-piece costs for services such as creative, design, printing, and mailing can go up pretty dramatically. Read More