What Direct Mail Services Can Your Businesses Access?

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  When it comes to doing direct mail for your business there’s a lot more involved than simply getting the address and stamp on your mail piece and waiting for the phones to start ringing.  To be honest, there are a lot of moving parts and if you want to be successful with your direct mail efforts (and not spend more money than necessary) you’ll probably want to take advantage of some of the services a professional mailing house has to offer. Here’s a quick overview of some of those services (and what they’ll do for you). Read More

A Direct Mail Marketing Campaign Timeline Dissected

Image for A Direct Mail Marketing Campaign Timeline Dissected
  Choosing the timeframe for your direct mail marketing campaign is half the battle. The timeframe should be discussed in the beginning stages of a promotion, and considerations should include the scope of the campaign, number of mailings, budget, and what kind of print production will be involved. Read More

6 Questions to Ask Your Direct Mail Fulfillment Company

Image for 6 Questions to Ask Your Direct Mail Fulfillment Company
  When you were in elementary school, someone probably told you that there is no such thing as a stupid question. That may or may not be true, but when it comes to business, there are certain questions that are… Read More

Are Direct Mail Services a Thing of the Past?

Image for Are Direct Mail Services a Thing of the Past?
  If you’ve read the headlines about the problems facing the United States Postal System lately, you may think that the U.S.P.S. is headed the way of the dinosaur. While the long-range prognosis for the Post Office is not all… Read More