4 Simple Questions That Can Show You If Your Mailing Will Succeed or Flop

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  Sometimes we’re so close to our own direct marketing efforts that we don’t see them clearly. And sometimes we get so wrapped up in all the techniques, measurements, and procedures that it’s hard to evaluate whether the mailing we’re about to do will be effective. Here are four simple questions you should ask (and answer) before you put a stamp on that next mailing. Read More

5 Secrets to a Successful Direct Mail Campaign

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  Direct mail is alive and kicking, providing something email never can: the satisfaction of something tangible on the doormat or in the mailbox. Make sure you follow through on that little frisson of pleasure receiving a piece of mail creates by making your mailed offer relevant, personal and valuable. Read More

Direct Mail: Often Imitated—Never Duplicated

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  It’s been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But it’s also easy to be cheesy—or at least to be perceived as nothing but a knock-off. Las Vegas is full of Elvis impersonators. Sometimes it’s just good, tongue-in-cheek fun. And other times, it’s downright pathetic. Read More

Direct Mail Marketing and the Legend of “White Fang”

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  One of the biggest problems direct mailers face is when the mailing piece doesn’t reach the intended audience. That’s a real drag when you’ve spent time and money to rent the list, create the package, print it, mail it, and paid for the postage—and then the person it’s supposed to reach never even sees it. Sometimes that happens as the result of a bad address. People and businesses move. Sometimes the address you have hasn’t been updated. The good news is that this is pretty easy to address by running a simple National Change of Address on your mailing list (one of the basic services we provide our customers). Read More

Direct Mail Success: Why Integration is Important

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  You’ve heard the old saying: “No man is an island.” The same is true when it comes to marketing your business. No method is an island. These days there are a lot of different options available to businesses that want to get their message out. Each method has it’s own advantages—and limitations. We live in a multi-channel world. People (the people we want to win as our clients and customers) don’t get their information from just one source. And they turn to different forms of media for different kinds (and levels) of information. Read More