What is Direct Mail?

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If you type “Direct Mail Companies Colorado Springs” into your browser, TMR Direct is one of the first search results. That’s great, but just what is direct mail and how can it help companies and organizations that are trying to find new customers and stay in touch with existing clients? Read More

4 Direct Mail Tips to Get a Higher ROI

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Not long ago, direct mail best practices involved huge mailing lists and a steady stream of repeated mailings. Some industries (credit card companies, for instance) still do that because the economies of scale they enjoy allow them to mail huge volumes and get a relatively small return on investment. But for most businesses that’s just not practical. Printing, postage, and mailing costs are too high to justify the low rates of return. Read More

How Good Does Your Direct Mail Need to Be?

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  When I was growing up, my mom used to tell me, “Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well.” That usually meant that whatever I had just done, had to be done over again because it wasn’t up to standard. I didn’t realize until years later that this saying didn’t originate with my mother, but came from a letter that Philip Stanhope, the 4th Earl of Chesterfield in England sent to his son in 1746! (I bet even Mom didn’t know that) Read More

3 Direct Mail Tips for Your Next Mailing

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The struggles of the United States Postal System (USPS) have been well documented of late. Despite those struggles, direct mail remains a viable and effective means for businesses to get their… Read More