Sending Out Surveys: How to Ask Questions and Get Responses

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  There’s a universal rule in marketing: the better you know your customers, the better positioned you are to give them what they want. When you give customers what they want, you are guaranteed to get more business. It’s not a complicated concept, but it’s one many businesses struggle with, mainly because it can be tricky to get inside the minds of your prospects. Read More

Direct Mail Frequency: It Takes More Than One Piece

Image for Direct Mail Frequency: It Takes More Than One Piece
  When we think of direct mail campaigns, we often think of the various ideas we can use to entice potential customers to visit our store, or call us. The creative stuff is exciting, and it’s easy to get caught up in the design and copywriting process. Read More

Direct Mail and Kids: How to Engage the PlayStation Generation

Image for Direct Mail and Kids: How to Engage the PlayStation Generation
  If you thought marketing to kids was not important, then you probably have not realized that children in the US are responsible for $100 billion in purchasing decisions every year. Kids do not only make decisions about products that they use directly either. Research has shown that children under 18 are involved in decisions from which TV to buy, to which car, to where to live. Read More

5 Ways to Fail at Direct Mail

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  Direct mail has a somewhat bad, definitely undeserved reputation. People call it outdated or ineffective, or they just dismiss it outright as a marketing strategy, saying they have tried it and it did not work. However, usually, when you scratch the surface, you find that they did not give it time, they did not plan properly, or they committed one of the cardinal sins of direct mail. We look at the top five mistakes people make, so you can avoid them next time: Read More