Keys to Marketing Success: Transparency

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  If you’re constantly on the lookout for things that will help get your company’s message across, you may have seen the term “transparency in marketing” pop up from time to time. The general idea is that companies and organizations are more open about themselves when dealing with prospects. For some that means being more forthcoming about mistakes and failures. If you blew it in customer service—you say so. If your product didn’t perform as well as promised—you admit it. If you’re overstocked on an item, you don’t pretend that you got a great deal that you’re “passing on to the customer”—you own up to the fact that you over-ordered. Read More

Defining Your Ideal Customer—With a Persona

Image for Defining Your Ideal Customer—With a Persona
Why do some companies seem to “get” their customers? Their marketing is spot on and speaks to what their customers want to know. Prospects and customers actually read what they publish—and respond.  How do they do it? Read More

Direct Mail: Often Imitated—Never Duplicated

Image for Direct Mail: Often Imitated—Never Duplicated
  It’s been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But it’s also easy to be cheesy—or at least to be perceived as nothing but a knock-off. Las Vegas is full of Elvis impersonators. Sometimes it’s just good, tongue-in-cheek fun. And other times, it’s downright pathetic. Read More

Promises, Promises . . . How Making a Promise Can Get Someone to Read Your Direct Mail

Image for Promises, Promises . . . How Making a Promise Can Get Someone to Read Your Direct Mail
  If you’ve been doing direct mail for a while, you know that one of the biggest challenges you face may be to get the person you’re trying to reach to actually open your mailer. It’s not surprising. After all, you’re competing with a lot of other messages—TV, radio, Internet, billboards, newspaper and magazine ads—for attention. Read More

Direct Mail Ideas: The FAQ Campaign

Image for Direct Mail Ideas: The FAQ Campaign
  As a company with a long history in direct mail, we often get asked for direct mail ideas. Companies and organizations are always looking for new or different ways to engage with customers and prospects. Here’s one you can try using information you already have on hand. We’ll call it “The FAQ Campaign.” Read More