7 Steps to Direct Mail Success

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  When it comes to marketing these days, online efforts and social media tend to grab the headlines. But direct mail marketing remains a very effective tool for quite a number of businesses and organizations. As a matter of fact, there are some audiences that respond better to direct mail than they do to newer marketing methods. Read More

Direct Mail Success: Re-thinking the 40-40-20 Rule

Image for Direct Mail Success: Re-thinking the 40-40-20 Rule
  For many, many years experts have preached that the secret to direct mail success lay in following the revered “40-40-20 Rule”: 40 percent of a direct mailing’s success is dependent upon the list; 40 percent of the success comes from the offer; and 20 percent of the success is due to the creative. Does that old axiom still hold true in the digital age, or has it gone the way of the fax machine and the 22¢ stamp? Read More