DIY Direct Mail Marketing? Comparing Every Door Direct Mail and Carrier Route Mail

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  The United States Post Office (USPS) has been trying to make it easier for small businesses to reach potential customers in specific geographic areas. That’s a big reason behind their Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) program. The program lets businesses that do a majority of their business in a (relatively) small geographic area (restaurants, coffee shops, etc.) focus exclusively on that area. It actually makes a lot of sense for certain businesses—and the USPS has promoted the program fairly aggressively. As usual, however, there is more than one way to get things done. We thought it might be helpful to compare the EDDM program from the USPS with doing a carrier route mailing through a Mail Service Provider (MSP). Read More

Every Door Direct Mail: How Does This Thing Work?

Image for Every Door Direct Mail: How Does This Thing Work?
  A relatively short time ago, the United States Postal Service (USPS) developed a tool called “Every Door Direct Mail” to help businesses target specific geographic areas with their direct mail efforts. Of course, a tool is only helpful if you know how to use it. And for many of us, learning to use yet another new tool can be overwhelming. So, how does this thing work? The good news is that “Every Door Direct Mail” (EDDM) is refreshingly straightforward and easy to use. Here’s how it works. Read More

How Much Does Every Door Direct Mail Cost?

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We’ve mentioned the new “Every Door Direct Mail” service from the USPS a time or two. It’s a great way to reach a specific geographic area with a timely direct mail message. It can be an extremely effective way to reach people who have an affinity for things going on in their neighborhood. It’s also a great way to reach a group of people (i.e. a lunchtime crowd) that you know are going to be in a specific area at a specific time. But what does it cost to “open every door?” That all depends on how many people you want to reach. Here’s an example of how it can work. Read More

What Is Every Door Direct Mail (and Why Should You Care)?

Image for What Is Every Door Direct Mail (and Why Should You Care)?
  One of the basic tenets of successful direct mail is making sure that you’re talking to the right audience. You don’t want to bombard cat owners with offers for dog grooming services. It’s a waste of time and money. But what should you do if the product or service you’re offering really does apply to (almost) everyone?  What if you’re a pizza shop, trying to find customers in your neighborhood? There’s no list out there for “People Who Like Pizza.”  In a case like that, you want to target a geographic area, because even pizza lovers probably aren’t going to drive 15 miles to pick up a pizza (no matter how good it is). What you want to do in this case is hit every door within a 3-mile radius of your shop. Read More