SEO in the Aftermath of Keyword Density

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  If you have your finger on the pulse of inbound marketing news, you’ve no doubt seen a myriad of articles declaring SEO to be dead. In fact, people have been trying to declare it dead for years now, and will no doubt continue to do so for a number of years more. Currently, they seem to have a bit more grounds than usual, though. We’ve discussed before how Google has changed their algorithms so that keyword density—previously SEO’s bread and butter—is no longer nearly as big a factor when it comes to search results. And in fact, using your keywords more than two or three times in a single piece of content is said to get your page penalized, rather than promoted. So is this it? Is SEO really dead this time? Read More

Adapting Your SEO Strategy To Evolving Search Patterns

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  Regular changes in Google’s algorithms generally mean having to adapt our SEO strategy to fit the new criteria. But what many of us fail to take into consideration is how those changes in algorithms also affect how people are searching. And those changes should also be a factor in how we approach SEO. For one thing, search results are becoming more intuitive. Google recognizes your location and provides local search results automatically. It also provides results based on previous searches and browsing activity. Through Google, this information is all connected, and as technology advances, they’re able to use that information to help you get better, more relevant results based on your searches. Read More

Think Globally, Market Locally – Targeting Customers In Your Area

Image for Think Globally, Market Locally – Targeting Customers In Your Area
  They don’t call it the World Wide Web for nothing. With the touch of a button, your message can reach people from Sydney to Tokyo to St. Petersburg. But what if you just want to reach the people down the street? International exposure is all well and good, but if you have a small business that services a single area, you’d rather concentrate your efforts on them, rather than people halfway across the world. How do you do it? Here are four ways. Use Geographical Keywords. You (hopefully) already optimize your content around relevant keywords in order to attract the people who are looking for what you have to Read More

Mobile Optimization And Google Rankings

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Strong Google rankings are critical for getting your website seen, whether on the computer or on people’s various mobile devices. Because of the increasing prominence of mobile devices, Google has recently adjusted its formal ranking system to reflect the needs of mobile devices. Learn these key strategies about the new Google Rankings for mobile devices to make sure your company’s website will meet stringent new requirements. 1. Changes in Google Rankings Read More

What Google Analytics Can Reveal About Your Online Marketing

Image for What Google Analytics Can Reveal About Your Online Marketing
  When trying to evaluate your online marketing strategy, one of the most useful tools at your disposal is Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a great program for assessing website activity to increase return on investment (ROI). Integrating Google Analytics into your business’ website can transform the way you think about your site, by providing you with a wealth of data. A Web Designer’s Favorite Thing Read More

3 Ways Joining Google+ Benefits Inbound Marketing

Image for 3 Ways Joining Google+ Benefits Inbound Marketing
  In many respects, Google+ was a latecomer to the social media scene. It followed on the heels of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn after they were already well established, and for many months industry commentators thought it was dead in the water. Not so, as we’re starting to see more and more evidence that it’s quietly positioning itself to be much bigger than was originally expected. For any business practicing inbound marketing, joining Google+ is becoming almost a biological imperative. Why do we say that? Because here are four ways it will help your strategy get off the ground more than anything else possibly can. #1: Establish Authorship Read More

Google Plus’s Shared Endoresments – What They Mean For Social Media Marketing

Image for Google Plus’s Shared Endoresments – What They Mean For Social Media Marketing
  The whole purpose behind social media is marketing. Obviously, there’s the concept of connecting people all over the globe and allowing them to share their lives with one another. But the way social media sites make money is by sharing products and brands. Endorsements for a particular company or product are much more meaningful if they come from someone you know and trust. So with that in mind, Google+ has introduced Shared Endorsements. When you give a positive review or recommendation to a particular company or product, whether it’s a restaurant, a song or a product purchase, that recommendation, along with your name and profile picture, can then be shared with the people in your circles when they search for the same thing. So the question is, what does this mean for you and how you market your brand on social media? Here are a few things to consider: Include Google+ in Your Social Media Strategy. You might wonder what the point of marketing on Google+ is. It’s not as popular or as active as Facebook or Twitter, so while you might maintain a nominal presence on it, you may not be focusing a lot of your social media marketing efforts there. But the thing to remember is this: what sets Google+ apart from other social networks is that people don’t have to be actively using it in order to be affected by it. Google+ content is embedded into their regular search results. So even though it’s not the most popular or widely used social media platform, it can still be a powerful tool. So make sure you’re using that tool. Sharing Is Caring. Now more than ever, you should encourage people to share your content. Make sure all of your blogs have the “+1” button on them and focus more effort on promoting your brand on Google+. Once someone shares it, anyone they’re connected with can see their recommendation when your content turns up in their search results. It’s a great way of reaching out to a targeted audience. It’s Who You Know. With the right connections, Shared Endorsements can increase your exposure simply and effectively. Find a few friends or colleagues who have a large number of people in their Google+ circles—a thousand or more is ideal. Get them to do you a favor by recommending or giving +1 to your site, or some of your content. Offer to do the same for them. You’ve just opened yourself up to over a thousand new potential viewers, all pre-targeted, and increased your credibility with all of them based on your colleague’s recommendation. Read More

Black Hat SEO Got Run Over By Content

Image for Black Hat SEO Got Run Over By Content
So what do In case you haven’t heard, there’s big news in the world of SEO. Google has updated its algorithms so that keyword density plays a much more minor role in search results than it used to. In fact, using keywords more than a couple of times apiece will get your site penalized and make your content rank lower in the results, rather than higher. What does this mean? It means the end of black hat SEO. The practice of surreptitiously stuffing a site with out-of-context keywords to boost its popularity artificially is no longer effective. Instead, the winners of the battle for search supremacy are the ones with the best content. Read More

Forbes’ Top 7 Content Marketing Trends Of 2014

Image for Forbes’ Top 7 Content Marketing Trends Of 2014
  The new year is rapidly approaching—which usually means a clean start and a fresh budget. It’s a good time to reevaluate your current content marketing strategy and see what’s working and what needs to be updated. Fortunately, our friends… Read More