10 Great Free Tools, Fonts and Tricks for Direct Mail Design

Image for 10 Great Free Tools, Fonts and Tricks for Direct Mail Design
  Many companies choose to design their own direct mail pieces. Some prefer to save money on the graphic design; others want to be in control of their brand. Whatever the reason, if you’re tackling your own graphic design, we’ve got a few great tools, fonts and tricks you can download and use for free! Read More

4 Times When Direct Mail Might Not Be for You

Image for 4 Times When Direct Mail Might Not Be for You
  If our mailboxes are anything to go by, direct mail is still a huge marketing tactic. If you’re like most people, you’ve probably looked at the mail in your mailbox at least once and wondered whether you could use the same methods to market your business. Read More

5 Trends in Direct Mail

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  Every year, people say that direct mail is dead. Every year, direct mail proves them wrong by being one of the most successful non-web-based marketing tactics out there. That may change one day, but for now, it’s as true in 2016 as it was in 1916, and as it may be in another 100 years. Read More

Creating Catalogs: When Your Direct Mail Includes Product Guides

Image for Creating Catalogs: When Your Direct Mail Includes Product Guides
  Most of us are most familiar with simple forms of direct mail. Flyers, post cards and single page documents are the most common items we find in our mail boxes. However, in 2010 alone, nearly 13 billion catalogs were mailed in the US, and they remain a popular form of direct mail. Here is what you need to know. Read More

8 Print Media Mistakes to Avoid

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  If you’re working with a direct mail company that offers in-house design and printing services, then chances are you won’t have to worry too much about printing problems. It’s always a good idea to know what the mistakes are, however, so you can be sure that you avoid them. Here’s our list of the most common errors we’ve seen: Read More

Beyond Flyers: Creative Direct Mail Ideas

Image for Beyond Flyers: Creative Direct Mail Ideas
  Have you ever noticed that when you hear the same sound for a prolonged period of time, you tend to drown it out, so you stop hearing the details? When it comes to direct mail, flyers are pretty much the same thing. Unless they are something special and they stand out of the crowd, they mostly end up filed in the garbage, and that is literally throwing your marketing dollars away. Read More

Consistency is Key: Matching Your Direct Mail Campaign to Your Brand

Image for Consistency is Key: Matching Your Direct Mail Campaign to Your Brand
  You may not realize it, but your company has a personality. That personality is your brand, and your brand determines how your customers think and feel about you, and what they expect from you. Your brand may be carefully calculated and executed, or it may be something that has evolved organically over time. Whichever is true for you, however, you need to make sure that your direct mail campaigns match and complement your brand. Here is how you can do that. Read More

The Psychology of Color: How Your Color Choices Impact Sales

Image for The Psychology of Color: How Your Color Choices Impact Sales
  You probably don’t think about color much. Maybe you leave the graphic design up to someone else. Perhaps you just use the same colors for everything, regardless of what it is. If any of those apply, however, you need to stop, sooner rather than later, and start paying attention to color. Read More

How Small Businesses Can Optimize Direct Mail Open Rates

Image for How Small Businesses Can Optimize Direct Mail Open Rates
  Direct mail is one of the best ways to connect with new customers and rekindle your relationship with old ones. The first thing people see is the outer envelope, so this is the prime area to focus your message and attract attention. It should conform to postal standards, of course, but it should also tempt recipients to open it up and read what’s inside. Here are a few tips on how to optimize direct mail to improve open rates. Read More

First Impressions Count: Make Your Direct Mail Grab (the Right) Attention

Image for First Impressions Count: Make Your Direct Mail Grab (the Right) Attention
  The best way to make the right first impression with your direct mail is to think like your customer. What would they respond to, what kind of offer will excite them, what problems are they seeking solutions to? Far from being all about you, your mailed offer needs to be all about the customer. When recipients see you’re putting them first, they’ll think well of you in return. Read More