Direct Mail Marketing: Treat Every Mailing as a Significant Learning Opportunity

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  Let’s face it: Not every mailing you send out will be an unmitigated success. There will be times when you simply don’t get the results you hoped for. But that doesn’t mean that you should simply turn your back on that effort and never think about it again. When you track your direct mail results (and you need to make sure you’re doing this!), don’t focus exclusively on the numbers. Sure it’s important to measure response and revenue and return on investment. You should do that. (By the way, if you’re looking for ways to record responses this post has helpful suggestions for tracking of direct mail campaign results.) Read More

Direct Mail: The Importance of Measuring Results

Image for Direct Mail: The Importance of Measuring Results
  Nobody does direct mail just for the fun of it or because they don’t have enough to do. Companies and organizations engage in direct mail activities in order to generate leads and to make sales (or bring in donations). They do it to get results. It’s unfortunate, however, that many businesses and organizations don’t grasp the importance of measuring those results—or of recording them accurately.  What that means is that they don’t really know if their direct mail efforts are paying off or not. Read More