Innovation – the Centerpiece of Your Direct Mail Strategy

Image for Innovation – the Centerpiece of Your Direct Mail Strategy
  Everyone’s looking for new ways to do marketing, and in the realm of direct mail that takes the form of communicating with customers in ways that benefit both groups—not just the businesses. This manifests in innovative ways to give the campaign value instead of just focusing on sales, and makes a direct mail strategy an integral part of inbound marketing. Read More

Back to the Future: What’s in Store for Direct Mail in 2015 and Beyond?

Image for Back to the Future: What’s in Store for Direct Mail in 2015 and Beyond?
  Change is one thing you can be certain of in life. With each year that passes, marketing goes through changes to the way it’s done, changes in the way it’s received and changes in the way it’s valued. As a critical element of push marketing, experts predict that some of the primary changes in store for direct mail in 2015 are: Read More

The Role of Data in Direct Marketing

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  Data has become currency in direct marketing, and it’s going to stay that way for some time. It has always been valuable to have customer intelligence, but since the advent of digital marketing with its ability to track and measure, data has soared in value. It’s not only companies that are aware of it, though; customers know you’re using their data for marketing purposes and they are singularly unforgiving of those who get it wrong. That makes it a two-edged sword, but one you can’t live without.  Read More

4 Top Direct Mail Print Sizes: Which is Best for You?

Image for 4 Top Direct Mail Print Sizes: Which is Best for You?
  Direct mail campaigns still create personal, one-on-one connections that few other channels are able to compete with. The average American household gets between 2 and 3 pieces of direct mail per day, however, and that makes it essential for your mailing campaign to stand out among the others. This means that the size you choose is just as important for lead generation as the layout, design, color and paper stock. Here are the most commonly-used sizes and the purposes for which they work well. Read More

Solving the Riddles: 3 Misconceptions About Direct Mail Production

Image for Solving the Riddles: 3 Misconceptions About Direct Mail Production
  With direct mail making a big comeback as part of integrated inbound marketing campaigns, the myths about production are also being revived. The process might seem like magic, and given that we’re used to the instantaneous nature of all things digital it’s easy to believe it’s equally simple. The truth is that producing direct mail materials is a complex, costly process, and one you shouldn’t undertake unless you know what you’re doing. Misconception 1: Conceptualization is Easy Read More

4 Critical Components of a Direct Marketing Strategy

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With all the focus on inbound marketing these days it’s often thought that direct mail no longer has a place at the marketing table. This isn’t true. With a little imagination you can make sure your direct marketing strategy complements your other activities.. Here are 4 critical components to include in direct mail to integrate it into your overall marketing plan. Read More

Are You Rolling the Dice on Marketing Success?

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  Every day you roll the dice a bit with your marketing efforts. Let’s face it; even though there is a definite science to online, inbound marketing, you still take a chance every time you roll out a new marketing attempt. That doesn’t make you irresponsible as a marketer. It’s simply the reality of doing marketing in an every-changing world.  What worked yesterday may not work today—and almost certainly won’t work tomorrow. As marketing has moved online, there has been a huge amount of emphasis placed on search engine optimization (SEO). It’s certainly understandable. If more and more of your business comes to you through the Web, you want to get found by the search engines. Getting found is essential. But a lot of attempts to optimize websites in order to get found have been unfruitful—at least those attempts to outsmart the search engines. Marketers who try to “game Google” end up paying a price. They can actually find their rankings get pushed lower because Google knows exactly what they’re trying to do. Read More

Think Globally, Market Locally – Targeting Customers In Your Area

Image for Think Globally, Market Locally – Targeting Customers In Your Area
  They don’t call it the World Wide Web for nothing. With the touch of a button, your message can reach people from Sydney to Tokyo to St. Petersburg. But what if you just want to reach the people down the street? International exposure is all well and good, but if you have a small business that services a single area, you’d rather concentrate your efforts on them, rather than people halfway across the world. How do you do it? Here are four ways. Use Geographical Keywords. You (hopefully) already optimize your content around relevant keywords in order to attract the people who are looking for what you have to Read More

How To Align Your Content Marketing Strategy To the Buying Cycle

Image for How To Align Your Content Marketing Strategy To the Buying Cycle
Every consumer goes through the buying cycle when thinking about a purchase, whether they are buying a $10 product or spending thousands on a renovation. If you align your content marketing strategy to this cycle, it's easier to make people in your target audience aware of your services. Get results by using strong visuals and appealing content to make buyers want what you're offering. Read More

The 3 Biggest Inbound Marketing Lessons We’ve Learned Over the Last 3 Years

Image for The 3 Biggest Inbound Marketing Lessons We’ve Learned Over the Last 3 Years
  It’s hard to believe, but just a few short years ago, we knew next to nothing about inbound marketing. What we did know, however, was that marketing was changing. Methods that had worked for decades were no longer effective. The marketplace had changed. The way people did business had changed. The more we learned about inbound marketing, the more sense it made. So we changed too. Shifting to an inbound approach has had a dramatic impact on our business—and on the businesses of a number of out clients. And you know what? We’re still learning—and changing. I recently thought about some of what we’ve learned over the last three years. Here are three of the most significant lessons we’ve learned. Read More