Direct Mail Marketing: RSVP

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  We’ve all received invitations in the mail. Sometimes the invitation is to an elegant event. Other times it’s an invitation to an open house or a neighborhood barbeque. But these invitations have something in common: They all have an RSVP. The person (or organization) sending out the invitation wants to know what your response will be. Are you coming or not? Read More

Direct Mail Today: The Lost Art of the Ask

Image for Direct Mail Today: The Lost Art of the Ask
  Dogs are better at one aspect of marketing than many business people. When they want humans to respond, they’re not afraid to ask. Guess what? They usually get what they want. When marketers want humans to respond, they often hem and haw. They don’t want to be perceived as begging. They don’t want to be perceived as being too pushy. And a lot of the time, they simply don’t want to be rejected (something dogs never seem to struggle with). When it comes to marketing—and especially direct mail—asking almost seems to have become a lost art. Read More

Deck the Halls With Landing Pages For 2014 Lead Generation

Image for Deck the Halls With Landing Pages For 2014 Lead Generation
  Back in 2011, industry commentators were blogging about “the rising importance of landing pages.” Well, guess what? Since then, the demand for good landing pages that deliver lead generation has risen exponentially. With the holidays coming up, there’s still time to deck the halls of your website, not with boughs of holly but with landing pages that convert your holiday traffic into viable leads for 2014. We took a look at where landing pages have come from, where they’re going and why they’ll get you anywhere you want to take your business. Read More

4 SEO Boo-Boos And How To Fix Them

Image for 4 SEO Boo-Boos And How To Fix Them
You’ve got a company website. A pretty nice one, actually, with lots of bells and whistles—a blog, some content, social sharing buttons, a contact form and it’s all optimized with your keywords. Read More

One Sure-Fire Way to Make Sure Your Mail Gets Opened

Image for One Sure-Fire Way to Make Sure Your Mail Gets Opened
  Anybody involved in direct mail marketing knows that getting your mail to a recipient’s mailbox doesn’t mean that it’s delivered. Having the right list, of course is critical. Making sure that the mail is properly prepared and accurately delivered… Read More