How Hyper-Local is Giving Direct Mail a New Lease on Life

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  One of the disadvantages (if it can be called that) of digital marketing is its extensive reach. With the current emphasis on local audiences, direct mail wins hands down for the targeting options it offers. One company that’s making the most of the medium’s ability to target local customers is the Great Basin Community Food Co-Op in Reno, Nevada. Read More

Think Globally, Market Locally – Targeting Customers In Your Area

Image for Think Globally, Market Locally – Targeting Customers In Your Area
  They don’t call it the World Wide Web for nothing. With the touch of a button, your message can reach people from Sydney to Tokyo to St. Petersburg. But what if you just want to reach the people down the street? International exposure is all well and good, but if you have a small business that services a single area, you’d rather concentrate your efforts on them, rather than people halfway across the world. How do you do it? Here are four ways. Use Geographical Keywords. You (hopefully) already optimize your content around relevant keywords in order to attract the people who are looking for what you have to Read More

Ways To Use Internet Marketing To Increase Revenue

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Growing a business today requires more than local marketing and advertising techniques. In order to reach extended audiences and appeal to a greater group of potential consumers, it’s important to implement various… Read More