How Much Is Too Much? Does Your Direct Marketing Tell Too Much?

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  Knowing how much to say with your direct marketing messages is a challenge—one that has troubled marketing experts for years. If you don’t say enough, you’ve wasted your time because your audience won’t have enough information to respond. But what if you say too much? Read More

The 7 Words That Should NEVER Describe Your Business

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  Traditionally, marketing people have spent a lot of time, energy, and money on branding. They want prospects and customers to associate their company with certain characteristics. The Internet, however, has pulled back the curtain on most businesses, and the prevailing marketing wisdom now is that your brand is whatever your customers say it is. You may want to portray your company as caring or quality-driven, but if the public sees you otherwise, and talks about you online—that’s your brand. It all comes down to the words used to describe you—and the words the public uses are far more powerful than the words you use to describe yourself. Read More

Marketing Lessons from the Princess Bride

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Guest Post, Mike Smith In The Princess Bride (one of my all-time favorite movies) Inigo Montoya utters one of my favorite lines of all time. After his evil boss, Vizzini, repeatedly cries… Read More