What Does the Future Hold for Direct Mail?

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  Just a couple years ago, everyone thought direct mail was deader than the Dodo. That’s turned out to be very far from the truth, however, and a look into the future shows that the industry is going places we could never have expected back then. The road ahead looks exciting, for a few reasons: Read More

How IKEA Successfully Integrated Its Direct Mail with Digital Channels

Image for How IKEA Successfully Integrated Its Direct Mail with Digital Channels
  The words on every marketer’s lips these days are multi-channel marketing (MCM). This means the use of a combination of channels for reaching your target audience, and it works well when it incorporates traditional methods of direct marketing. As part of IKEA’s comprehensive integrated marketing plan, the furniture giant recently set out to “re-invigorate” the mailbox by leveraging digital channels. Read More

How the Financial Services Industry Uses Direct Mail to Reach Consumers

Image for How the Financial Services Industry Uses Direct Mail to Reach Consumers
  Every industry uses marketing methods in different ways, and sometimes there are benefits to be gained from knowing what others are doing. The financial services industry makes good use of direct mail, particularly when marketing to millennials. This flies in the face of current thinking that younger audiences are only reachable through digital marketing channels, so we took a look at how the industry is doing it and how well it’s working. Read More

Direct Mail Success: Why Integration is Important

Image for Direct Mail Success: Why Integration is Important
  You’ve heard the old saying: “No man is an island.” The same is true when it comes to marketing your business. No method is an island. These days there are a lot of different options available to businesses that want to get their message out. Each method has it’s own advantages—and limitations. We live in a multi-channel world. People (the people we want to win as our clients and customers) don’t get their information from just one source. And they turn to different forms of media for different kinds (and levels) of information. Read More