The Difference Between Direct Mail and Mass Mail (and Why it Matters)

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  What do you think of when you hear the term “direct mail”? A lot of us envision the huge mailings that credit card and insurance companies send out to the masses. A lot of “old-thinking” marketing was built on reaching as many people as efficiently (and cheaply) as possible. Increased printing, mailing, and postage costs have eliminated the economies of scale that used to exist. But that’s not the only reason mass mailings don’t work for most of us. The fact is that these mailings just aren’t very effective. We call them “direct” mail, but there’s not much direct about them. Read More

The Power of Handwritten Notes in Marketing

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Unlike email or other digital marketing campaigns, only direct mail can offer a handwritten note. A personalized note can increase response to a marketing campaign by 30-50%. For those looking for something new in their marketing strategy, personalization may be an answer. Why Personalization Works If you pick up the phone and the caller mispronounces your name, how likely are you to hang up? The reason for such a negative response is that it's evident that the caller isn’t making a personal call; you were simply the next name on a long list. There is a similar response when people receive a piece of mail that is addressed to "current resident" or a letter that opens with, "Dear Friend." Even with a mass mailing, simply having a name on each letter makes recipients more likely to read it, because people will feel the mailing was intended solely for them. Addressing the reader by name is the first step to increasing the response rate in a direct mail marketing campaign. Read More

Can Direct Mail Be Social?

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These days it’s hard to turn around without tripping over social media. It’s part of our personal lives, and it’s part of the way we do business. Every time we turn on… Read More