How to Make Direct Mail Work for B2B Markets

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  The common view of direct mail is one of a campaign that delivers marketing materials directly into the mailbox of potential customers. Usually, those customers are the consumers, and the idea of using the same method to reach business-to-business (B2B) clients simply doesn’t occur. That’s not entirely accurate, however, as marketers have found business mailing lists to be a powerful way to reach prospects and generate sales leads. Read More

Going Mobile Shouldn’t Drive Your Customers Crazy

Image for Going Mobile Shouldn’t Drive Your Customers Crazy
There’s more to creating content for mobile devices than simply putting your website content on a mobile phone or tablet platform. It’s a whole different ballgame.  It’s not unlike what happened when… Read More

How to Create a QR Code

Image for How to Create a QR Code
Many companies have a number of print materials. While the world is moving to more and more Internet mediums, there is no need to abandon  print materials. One of the easiest ways to update your print materials is with a QR (quick response barcode) code. Read More

Are your QR Codes too hard to scan?

Image for Are your QR Codes too hard to scan?
If you have ever created a QR code, you may have run into the issue where your QR code is difficult to scan. It may be that the URL you are using… Read More

Direct Marketing Today: Branding and Response in Harmony!

Image for Direct Marketing Today: Branding and Response in Harmony!
Some companies (and their marketing/advertising agencies) tend to focus on branding. They want to make sure that consumers recognize them and associate certain characteristics with their company. They’re after mindshare. They want… Read More