5 Ideas For Content Marketing On a Tight Budget

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Content marketing is a necessity of business life. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that because you’re marketing to the retirement community you don’t need to deliver content. Research shows that… Read More

7 Secrets To Posting Effective LinkedIn Updates

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  LinkedIn is good for business leads, so “they” say. You have yet to see it before you’ll believe it, though. You’ve been posting this and that on your LinkedIn profile for a while, but haven’t even generated Likes, never… Read More

A Giant Opportunity in Retirement Home Marketing

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With the first of the baby-boomers hitting retirement age, the percentage of people aged 65 and up is beginning to gradually increase.  As of right now, 13% of the population in America… Read More

Internet Marketing for Retirement Homes

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The chart on the left (pulled from ourtown50.com) shows a steady increase in the number of retirees in the next decade.  With the baby-boomer generation just starting to hit retirement, there is… Read More