Black Hat SEO Got Run Over By Content

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So what do In case you haven’t heard, there’s big news in the world of SEO. Google has updated its algorithms so that keyword density plays a much more minor role in search results than it used to. In fact, using keywords more than a couple of times apiece will get your site penalized and make your content rank lower in the results, rather than higher. What does this mean? It means the end of black hat SEO. The practice of surreptitiously stuffing a site with out-of-context keywords to boost its popularity artificially is no longer effective. Instead, the winners of the battle for search supremacy are the ones with the best content. Read More

5 Essentials For Your Inbound Marketing Plan

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If you’re just starting out in inbound marketing, you may find it kind of daunting. It’s being heralded as the next big thing in brand promotion, and the future of the marketing… Read More