4 Things Every Direct Mailing Must Do

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  Often when businesses think about their direct mail efforts, they focus on the tips and tricks that they think will get them better results. That’s not a bad thing. And in today’s marketplace, you’ll want to take advantage of anything that will boost your mailing’s performance.  It’s one of the reasons we offer free tools such as the Best Direct Mail Practices in an Evolving Marketplace eBook.  Read More

Direct Mail Success: Creating STRATEGIC Content

Image for Direct Mail Success: Creating STRATEGIC Content
You hear a lot of talk about "content marketing." While most talk is focused around online marketing, the content you create for direct mail is just as critical. The way businesses use direct mail has changed, but it’s still integral to overall marketing strategy. And just like content for online platforms, content you create for your direct mail efforts can make the difference between success and failure. Read More