Getting the Right Message Across with Your Direct Mail Design

Image for Getting the Right Message Across with Your Direct Mail Design
  Unlike email and other forms of digital marketing, direct mail has a physical presence that’s hard to ignore. Once it arrives at the recipient’s address, it has to be handled - either opened and read or, heaven forbid, put straight in the trash. Your message needs to come across loud and clear if you want to avoid the second category. Read More

Determining Your Target Market in Direct Mail

Image for Determining Your Target Market in Direct Mail
  Targeted marketing is just as important in direct mail as it is in online marketing. Spending more time on the front end of your campaign increases the likelihood of its success down the road. In the ever-used marketing analogy, it is better to throw a few darts and get really close to the target than to throw a bunch and end up all over the board. Determining your target market is a matter of knowing your product or service intimately and matching that up with the demands of the marketplace. Read More

Are You Tiring Your Customers Out? Direct Mail Fatigue and Other Challenges

Image for Are You Tiring Your Customers Out? Direct Mail Fatigue and Other Challenges
  The moments of truth. That split second when your customer chooses to dump your direct mail item instead of opening it. It’s a moment you can never get back, and yet it happens all the time, every day. Why? Because there are challenges facing direct mail campaigns that we often fail to recognize. Read More