Shouldering the Load – 3 Ways To Get Others To Create Content For You

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  In order to maintain an effective content marketing strategy, you need to churn out new, high quality, engaging content like clockwork. While there’s no end to ideas for new content, if you know where and how to look, the simple act of creating all of these videos and blog posts, day in and day out, can grow tedious and cumbersome after awhile. Can’t the Magic Content Fairy just wave her wand and create new posts for you? Well, not quite. But with a little innovation, it IS possible to get other people to create some of your content for you, easing the burden on your own office. Here are three ways of acquiring content without having to make it yourself.  Read More

Using the Buying Cycle To Create Effective Targeted Content

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  Here’s a pop quiz: What’s the purpose of creating content for your brand? Is it to drive people to your site? To generate leads? To increase sales? Or to stay on customers’ radars after they’ve made their purchases, so that they’ll buy from you again next time? The answer is, of course, all of the above. There are all different things you can use your content for. And each of those uses requires you to have a different type of content. So how can you plan your content for maximum effect at all levels? Our friends at HubSpot suggest that you link your content to the five stages of the buying cycle, in order to stay connected with customers throughout the entire process.  Read More

B2B vs. B2C – Inbound Marketing Approaches

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There’s a lot of content out there geared toward marketers. How to increase your web traffic, how to increase your sales, etc. If you look at it, you’ll notice that some of… Read More

Tips For Marketing With Pinterest

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It’s easy to market on widely used, general purpose social networks like Facebook and Twitter—as long as you know what you’re doing, anyway. But smaller, niche… Read More