How to Increase Your Response Rates with a Microsite

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  Increasing the response rates from your direct marketing campaigns is an ongoing project for most marketers.  Direct mail works best with mailing lists you own, such as existing clients or people who sign up to receive your promotions, but even if you use rented lists there are ways to maximize the return on your investment. One of these ways is to create a microsite for each campaign: Read More

Top 5 Inbound Campaigns Of 2013

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  It’s a new year, and with it come new opportunities for promoting your brand. It’s the perfect time to reevaluate your inbound marketing strategy, to see what worked over the last year and create new goals for the coming year. So while you’re examining and revising your campaign for 2014, it might be a good idea to seek inspiration from those who really nailed it in 2013. The website Search Engine People has put together a list of five great examples, in all different areas of inbound marketing.  Read More

4 SEO Boo-Boos And How To Fix Them

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You’ve got a company website. A pretty nice one, actually, with lots of bells and whistles—a blog, some content, social sharing buttons, a contact form and it’s all optimized with your keywords. Read More