Video Marketing for Remodelers: Build Trust Through Testimonials

In the construction industry, gaining trust from a prospect is one of the most consuming aspects of the sales cycle. This part of the sales cycle is also wearisome because you know your prospect wants to buy, but they are still hesitating to trust you fully. In a way, their uncertainty is understandable. A kitchen or bathroom remodel is a huge decision. Not only does the customer need to have faith in the product/service you are selling, but they also have to completely trust you because you are going to be working inside their home – often for weeks at a time.

How to overcome doubts and gain trust

One way is with customer testimonials. These are actual “happy homeowner stories” told by your homeowners and are usually accompanied with before and after photos to help illustrate your capabilities.

video marketing remodeleresCustomer testimonials show impact on people ― a positive transformation that’s occurred as a result of work you provided. The goal of customer testimonials is to create trust quicker, shorten the buying cycle and ultimately influence the customer to choose you to remodel their home.

When prospects read a customer story or testimonial, the human element comes into play. The reader starts to relate to the customer and, ultimately, relates to the solutions you can provide.

Customer testimonials merged with storytelling combine to build a memorable picture for your prospects. Here’s why:

  • Customer testimonials create credibility. When people read a customer’s success story, they automatically view the information as more credible because it is told by one of your customers. It is obvious that you found a solution to their problem, and they are happy to share their experience with others.

  • Customer testimonials tell a tale. They engage the reader while painting the picture of a challenge or problem one of your customers faced and how you helped them overcome it.

  • Customer testimonials share the benefits. This is not about listing features or services you provide (leave that for your company brochure). Customer testimonials are designed to illustrate how choosing you can impact their life for the better. Customer testimonials answer the questions: “Why should I care?” and “What’s in it for me?”

  • Customer testimonials educate. Because of the experience one of your other customers is sharing, the reader learns more about the process, your service ― in a subtle, yet effective fashion.

  • Customer testimonials create a connection. Readers empathize with the problem or challenge that your customer faced. This starts the bond between the reader, your happy homeowner, and yes, your company.

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Blog Post Written by Taylor Vowell

Taylor Vowell is a certified inbound marketing specialist with a background in graphic design and website development.

Remember, nothing creates confidence and trust quicker than a happy customer singing your praises! So make the first step by identifying customers that you can feature for testimonials.