Why Less is More in Direct Mail Campaigns


Why-Less-Is-More-In-Direct-Mail-CampaignsMany companies make the mistake of sending direct mailers covered in overwhelming colors, an overload of information, a multitude of cheesy tag lines, and false promises. It’s a mistake to think direct mail should be crammed and jumbled. This look turns more customers away than other direct mail approaches. If you’re struggling to create an effective direct mail campaign that doesn’t appear crowded and messy, try these design strategies:

  • Simple is best. Direct mail is not the place for too much information. The medium is limited by nature. On the internet, a wealth of information can be easily displayed in a small place. It doesn’t cost more to have more text on a page, and information can be broken up effectively. A piece of mail, on the other hand, has a very limited surface area. When marketing campaigns choose to overcrowd this area, customers are likely to throw the mail directly into the trash.

The best bet is to work with the inherent strengths of printed media. In an age of over saturation in digital marketing, printed media holds more credibility, and this credibility shouldn’t be sacrificed by gimmicks and information overload. Simple designs with just the necessary information hold customer interest and entice them to learning more. A QR code or a website URL on a piece of mail can direct a customer online, where they can learn what couldn’t reasonably fit on the physical piece of mail.

  • Be creative. Your mail should stand out from your competitors, and one way to make this happen is to think outside the box. Don’t go for traditional, commonplace designs. Instead, try a unique strategy such as incorporating handwriting into the layout and information. This helps your mail stand out, and it also adds a personal touch.
  • Don’t be overly salesy. Your direct mail campaign is a marketing strategy. It’s okay for your customers to know this at first glance. What your direct mail shouldn’t be is too salesy. Do not use false promises or too much hyperbole. Customers are wise to these tactics, and they make your campaign seem tacky.
  • Focus on layout. Your layout shouldn’t be cluttered or have overly flashy colors. Though a large font means less space for information, it makes the included information easier to read. It also helps you avoid the temptation to overcrowd the piece. Break up text legibly. People are going to skim the mail. Using bullet points, bolding, and italics where appropriate means they’re more likely to absorb the information. Images are important, but they should be used sparingly.
  • Direct mail can be a highly effective marketing strategy. It targets consumers differently than digital marketing and has a high response rate. It’s also very cost effective. Consumers are more likely to trust an advertisement on a piece of direct mail than a targeted marketing link online. Play to the strengths of the medium when creating a direct mail campaign. Use professional and simple aesthetics to create a strong campaign and brand. Customer loyalty will follow.

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