4 Things to Consider When You Build a Direct Mail List


4-Things-to-Consider-When-You-Build-a-Direct-Mail-ListOk, we know direct mail is far from dead and that it’s working wonders for businesses if used as part of an integrated marketing campaign. So, once again, marketers are working hard to put together the right type of mailing list to reach the target audience effectively.

Using a scientific list to reach potential customers is important because allows you to maintain control over who you reach out to, when it happens and what you offer. Getting your name directly into the mailboxes and hands of potential customers can produce significant results.

For maximum results, look for the following things when you’re compiling your direct mail list:

#1: Identify Target Customers

To narrow down the responses you get to those your product or service is aimed at, you must first identify the right people to have on your direct mail list. For example, if you sell specially designed shoes for the elderly, you don’t want to waste time and money mailing your information to college students. The demographic information about your potential customer is perhaps the single most important step you can take when compiling your direct mail list. If you have more than one product or service, it is worth compiling a demographic chart for each of them. This will help you when it comes to assessing your ROI from the various inbound marketing strategies you’re using.

#2: Define Useful Trends

Once you know who your target mail recipients should be, you must define trends among the demographic that offer useful intelligence about your audience. For example, if your demographic group is for 20- to 30-year old women who have small children, understanding their buying habits and trends will help you design your direct mailing materials. As well, conducting research into marketing channels your audience demographic responds to most favorably provides you with valuable information.

#3: Design Attributes

The design of your direct mail campaigns should dovetail with your demographic and trends of potential customers. For example, if you are targeting the college crowd, using subdued colors and geriatric language is going to cause them to trash whatever you send. You want to look for designs and text that are currently trending among that age group, so include this information in your mailing database so you can refer to it as needed.

#4: Up-to-Date Information

It is important that the information on your direct mail list remains current. This means regularly going through the list and updating its content. You can track things such as response, what address sent it back due to the intended recipient no longer living there and other information that will help you keep the list relevant.

If you can define your target audience, the shopping/purchasing trends they follow, the type of design that will grab their attention and you can keep your list updated, you will have a relatively inexpensive marketing tool that can yield big results.

Direct Mail Best Practices