5 Ways of Mixing Direct Mail with Mobile for Marketing Purposes


5-Ways-of-Mixing-Direct-Mail-with-Mobile-for-Marketing-PurposesOk, so direct mail is the way to go and yet you keep hearing how mobile is taking over the world! You couldn’t get two marketing methods more opposite than those, right? Just because you’ve identified mailing as a good way to reach your target audience doesn’t mean you can’t use inbound marketing methods like mobile. According to research by the USPS, here are 5 ways to use them together so the one supports the other—and vice versa.

More Online Sales

64% of people with smartphones now use them to shop online, and three quarters of those would switch brands if they received a mobile coupon while shopping. So one way to increase the results of a direct mail campaign is to include a special promotion or offer that can be used when buying online or via mobile for a limited time.

QR Codes

These intricate codes are taking the world by storm. When your clients scan them using a mobile phone, it takes them to a site where they can download special offers direction. They can then shop and pay by phone either online or instore, and use the download to access a discount option. QR Codes are also used extensively in Click-to-Call opportunities, where the user scans a code and clicks to call it. The

Data Verification

Ever wanted to know more about the people on your company mailing list, including whether they like your product or not. You have their physical address, because that’s where you sent the direct mail to. Now, by giving them a reason to download an app or scan a code on the mailing, you are able to gather information such as their phone number and their GPS location.

Mobile Coupons

For marketers in the retail industry, direct mail is the breath of life. Send out flyers detailing the items on offer such as holiday promotions and require recipients to register for their coupons on a mobile-enabled website to qualify for discounts. Ask them to log in when they are in-store to receive the discount on their mobiles. This also works for “buy it now” campaigns, which works by requiring customers to “check in” via FourSquare or Facebook on arrival at the store.

Cost Savings

Probably one of the most obvious ways to save money is to avoid the cost of the prepaid postage that is so often included with direct mail campaigns. Instead of requiring the customer to post back his or her response, any of the methods mentioned above including texting has the same effect—but doesn’t cost a dime.

Don’t think just because mobile and direct mail seem worlds apart that there aren’t ways to bring them together. There are—and they can have a huge impact on your business if you employ them in a creative manner.

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