How IKEA Successfully Integrated Its Direct Mail with Digital Channels

Image for How IKEA Successfully Integrated Its Direct Mail with Digital Channels
  The words on every marketer’s lips these days are multi-channel marketing (MCM). This means the use of a combination of channels for reaching your target audience, and it works well when it incorporates traditional methods of direct marketing. As part of IKEA’s comprehensive integrated marketing plan, the furniture giant recently set out to “re-invigorate” the mailbox by leveraging digital channels. Read More

How the Financial Services Industry Uses Direct Mail to Reach Consumers

Image for How the Financial Services Industry Uses Direct Mail to Reach Consumers
  Every industry uses marketing methods in different ways, and sometimes there are benefits to be gained from knowing what others are doing. The financial services industry makes good use of direct mail, particularly when marketing to millennials. This flies in the face of current thinking that younger audiences are only reachable through digital marketing channels, so we took a look at how the industry is doing it and how well it’s working. Read More

Clip, Clip – Do Coupons Have a Future in Direct Marketing in 2015?

Image for Clip, Clip – Do Coupons Have a Future in Direct Marketing in 2015?
  So, you thought coupon-clipping went out with the Sunday newspapers delivered to your door for reading over breakfast, didn’t you? Wrong! That might be the image that pops into your head when the word is mentioned, but a recent report from Experian Marketing Services shows that coupons are still a direct marketingdrawcard—even in the digital marketing world. Read More

What’s the Recipe? Ingredients of a Successful Direct Marketing Campaign

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  Putting together a successful direct marketingcampaign takes more than a hit-and-miss approach. You can’t leave anything to chance, and it’s essential that you include the most important elements and that they all work together. Here are the three primary components that you need to ensure are rich, well-rounded and fully fleshed out before you hit the ‘send’ button: Read More

The Role of Data in Direct Marketing

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  Data has become currency in direct marketing, and it’s going to stay that way for some time. It has always been valuable to have customer intelligence, but since the advent of digital marketing with its ability to track and measure, data has soared in value. It’s not only companies that are aware of it, though; customers know you’re using their data for marketing purposes and they are singularly unforgiving of those who get it wrong. That makes it a two-edged sword, but one you can’t live without.  Read More

4 Methods Direct Mail Can Integrate with Other Forms of Marketing

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The role of direct mail in a multichannel marketing strategy is something like the role of grass in a bird’s nest. It has to be woven in so well you don’t see  individual strands. It strengthens strategy and adds color without being the hub around which the process hinges. Below are four methods of integrating direct mail with other marketing to create a multichannel strategy. Read More