How to Track Direct Mail Success

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  When you are deciding how to spend your marketing budget, you want to know which marketing methods work. You want to know which offers work, and what gets you the most bang for your buck. The only way to know all of that is to track your success rates, but you might not be sure how to do that. If you need a few tips on how to track your successes in direct mail better, read on: Read More

It’s All in Your Head: NLP and Direct Mail Campaigns

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  If you have never heard of NLP, you are not alone. NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming, has been around since the seventies, but it is only recently that it has been embraced by certain online marketers as a method to convert more. Here, we give you a crash course in what NLP is, and how you can use it to improve your direct marketing campaigns. Read More

How to Choose Colors that Work Best in Direct Mail

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  To deliver the response you want, every piece of your advertising needs to have the right elements: persuasive copy, a visually appealing design, and the right combination of fonts and colors. The right color often convinces prospects to try new products, while the wrong color makes prospects reluctant to read your promotional materials. Use the principles of color psychology to determine which colors you should use in each of your advertisements or direct mail campaigns. Read More

How Charities Can Make Direct Mail Campaigns Successful

Image for How Charities Can Make Direct Mail Campaigns Successful
  Spring holidays are often the time when churches, synagogues, and mosques turn their attention to charities and missions offerings. Yet many people cringe when they see appeals from charities and non-profits in their stack of mail, fearing scams. Below are several ways to alleviate this concern by showing that your cause is legitimate and securing the interest of potential donors. Read More

6 Reasons Why Direct Mail is Still Making a Killing

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  According to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), direct mail still gets a response rate of 3.4% from existing customers, which is almost 30 times the rate for email marketing.  Mailing campaigns that include catalogs bring in $2 for each customer they reach, and $10 for each returning client. That’s because direct mail still works, for a few (very good) reasons: Read More

How To Maximize the Leads from Your Direct Mail Campaign

Image for How To Maximize the Leads from Your Direct Mail Campaign
  Direct mail is making a comeback as a powerful method of generating leads when it’s used correctly, for several reasons: 1. People actually still read their mail, as opposed to hitting the proverbial delete button; and Read More

5 Lessons from the Greatest Direct Mail Campaigns Ever

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They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery, right? If Apple and Google have experienced overwhelming success with direct mail campaigns, why can’t your business? By understanding the strategies used by the most effective direct mail campaigns, your business can create a strategy to generate leads and grow your brand awareness. Keys to a successful direct mail marketing strategy include: Read More

5 Companies (Including Google!) With Outstanding Direct Mail Campaigns

Image for 5 Companies (Including Google!) With Outstanding Direct Mail Campaigns
While considered outdated by some, direct mail marketing is still a highly effective way to generate new leads and produce sales. Not all of the companies utilizing direct mail are grocery stores and local retailers, even technology driven companies, such as Google, use direct mail to find customers. Read More